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BIND 9.5.0-P1 from ISC doesn't work under NT4, so I compiled it. Get it here.
blahblah no warranty, blah etc. There are no viruses or trojans or backdoors or errors in this compilation to my knowledge, but you're getting this for free, so no whinging
It should now be common knowledge that there is a significant vulnerability in many DNS implementations, including BIND. The details are now known, so servers and cacheing resolvers need patching ASAP.
Unfortunately, ISC do not produce a release of BIND for NT4 anymore. Understandable, as NT 4 is old, smelly, utterly unsupported and no doubt has various security holes of its own.
However, some people including myself still have to administer NT 4 servers, and thus I include a build of BIND 9.5.0-P1 for NT 4 here including MFC71.DLL and MSVCRT71.DLL.
I would, however, suggest that you ideally *don't* use it and compile it yourself. Otherwise you're trusting a guy you don't know (albeit a fabulously intelligent, handsome and modest guy) not to slip in code you don't trust.
Instructions for making it build under NT4 are therefore :
There are issues building it under Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 (runtimes don't support NT4). There may be routes round this, but frankly I don't have the time/inclination to look at it. Therefore use Visual Studio 6 or .NET 2003 (yes, both commercial products).
Obtain Nasm (for compiling assembly code in OpenSSL)
Obtain OpenSSL
Obtain Bind-9.5.0-P1
Do all the following command line operations using the visual studio command line
Install nasm, stick in path.
Unpack OpenSSL - follow build instructions (for C++ in .NET 2003 it just works). Run tests if you want to be certain it's all worked.
Untar BIND
In the same directory that contains the bind-9.5.0-p1 directory (i.e. from where you ran the tar command), create a directory called openssl-0.9.8d
Change into openssl-0.9.8d and xcopy all of the unpacked and compiled OpenSSL directory structure into here
create a new directory below openssl-0.9.8d called out32dll
copy everything from ..\lib into it
Change into the BIND directory.
Run BINDBuild to generate the workspace file
Load Visual Studio 6 or .NET 2003
Edit the include directories to include the OpenSSL include directory
Edit the lib directories to include the OpenSSL lib directory
Run compile - it will fail with an error, if I remember correctly, in event.h
edit event.h to #include <stdlib.h>
Build should now work
Yes, I know this could do with more detail. However, if you're not capable of filling in the mild gaps above you're not capable of compiling it either and should just download the package.
You can contact me at peter in the land of the domain syllopsium in the area of com. However, please note that I will now no longer entertain any fix to the above advice. 9.5.0-P1 has security issues, and I also have a suspicion it leaks memory. Upgrade now, the end has come.